Khanna_1965_J.Pharm.Sci_54_1016 Atromentin, anticoagulant from Hydnellum diabolus
Ellman_1965_Exp.Neurol_13_191 Sulfhydryl reactivity in the central nervous system: effects of electro-shock
Cheymol_1965_Therapie_20_743 [Experimental myotic action of homologous and analogous diethyl-4-nitrophenyl phosphate derivatives]
Guilbault_1965_Anal.Chem_37_120 Resorufin butyrate and indoxyl acetate as fluorogenic substrates for cholinesterase
Katz_1965_Anesthesiology_26_154 The effects of hexafluorenium and edrophonium on the neuromuscular blocking actions of succinylcholine, decamethonium, imbretil and d-tubocurarine
Duncalf_1965_Br.J.Anaesth_37_591 Investigation of the cardiovascular effects of hexafluorenium
van Hemert_1965_Br.J.Anaesth_37_585 Hexafluorenium extension of suxamethonium block
Longmore_1965_Chem.Ind_29_1297 Synthesis of dl-physovenine
Foldes_1965_Clin.Pharmacol.Ther_6_328 The intravenous toxicity of local anesthetic agents in man
Webb_1965_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_102_172 Affinity of benzoquinonium and ambenonium derivatives for the acetylcholine receptor, tested on the electroplax, and for acetylcholinesterase in solution
Harrison_1965_Vet.Rec_77_1145 Bromophos (S 1942) for the control of sheep blowfly (Lucilia sericata) in England
Diegenbach_1965_Nature_207_308 Use of inhibitors in cholinesterase histochemistry
Gahan_1965_Bull.World.Health.Organ_32_169 Additional studies with new insecticides as residual spray in buildings naturally infested with anopheles quadrimaculatus
Heilbronn_1965_Acta.Chem.Scand_19_1333 Action of fluoride on cholinesterase. I. On the mechanism of inhibition
Nesterenko_1965_Farmakol.Toksikol_28_413 [Influence exerted by galanthamine on the acetylcholinesterase activity of various regions of the brain]
Cavanagh_1965_Brain_88_165 Changes in the central nervous system in the cat as the result of tri-o-cresylphosphate poisoning
Taylor_1965_Can.J.Physiol.Pharmacol_43_715 The effect of tri-o-cresyl phosphate intoxication on phospholipid synthesis in cat spinal cord
Bleiberg_1965_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmac_7_227 Effects of certain metabolically active drugs and oximes on tri-o-cresyl phosphate toxicity
Goedde_1965_Humangenetik_1_311 [On the application of pseudocholinesterase polymorphism in paternity expert opinions]
Goedde_1965_Humangenetik_1_607 [Biochemical studies on the problem of the existence of a silent gene in polymorphism of pseudochloinesterases]
Goedde_1965_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_107_391 On the problem of a silent gene in pseudocholinesterase polymorphism
Goedde_1965_Arzneimittelforschung_15_1460 [Results and problems in pharmacogenetics. Report on an international symposium on March 13-14, 1964 in Titisee, Black Forest]
Quintana_1965_J.Pharm.Sci_54_785 Synthesis of carbamoylpiperidine-type cholinesterase inhibitors
Volkova_1965_Biokhimiia_30_292 [The mechanism of the interrelationship between cholinesterase and irreversible organic phosphate inhibitors in the presence of substrates]
Grigor'eva_1965_Biokhimiia_30_415 [Effect of tetraalkylammonium on the relationship between cholinesterases and organic phosphate inhibitors]
Rozengart_1965_Dokl.Akad.Nauk.SSSR_164_937 [The aging mechanism of cholinesterase depressed by phospho-organic inhibitors]
Smissman_1965_J.Pharm.Sci_54_1395 Some aspects of insect chemistry
Brzin_1965_Biochem.Pharmacol_14_919 Penetration of neostigmine, physostigmine, and paraoxon into the squid giant axon
Quintana_1965_J.Pharm.Sci_54_573 Relationships between the surface activity and cholinesterase inhibition of carbamoylpiperidinoalkanes. II. Variations in the amide function
Bolton_1965_J.Pharm.Sci_54_583 Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase by chelates II
Brestkin_1965_Biokhimiia_30_1154 Inhibition of the rate of hydrolyses of acetylcholine under the action of bovine erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase in the presence of high concentration of substrats. (English trans. pp. 991-995)
Niemierko_1965_Postepy.Biochem_11_247 [Distribution and characteristics of acetylcholinesterase]
Anichin_1965_Zh.Ushn.Nos.Gorl.Bolezn_25_46 [Experimental study of the effect of intermittent sounds on the organ of Corti]
Aptekar_1965_Fed.Proc.Transl.Suppl_24_963 Effect of atherogenic diet on activity of certain enzymes in blood and liver of rats
Barbanti_1965_Arch.De.Vecchi.Anat.Patol_45_807 [Modifications of neurosecretion and acetylcholinesterase activity of the anterior hypothalamus of the albino rat after removal of the superior cervical ganglion]
Bargeton-Farkas_1965_J.Neurol.Sci_2_213 [Histo-enzymological aspects of the maturation of the nervous system]
Barsegian_1965_Vopr.Pitan_24_44 [Some enzymatic blood indices during rickets in children under 1 year of age]
Bockendahl_1965_Hoppe.Seylers.Z.Physiol.Chem_341_185 Untersuchungen an der Acetylcholinesterase. V. Die Isolierung des Ferments aus dem Blut von Helix pomatia
Bockendahl_1965_Hoppe.Seylers.Z.Physiol.Chem_343_79 [Studies on acetylcholinesterase. VI. Occurrence of further acetylcholine splitting esterases in Helix pomatia]
Bolletti_1965_Riv.Neurobiol_11_305 [Role of the acetylcholine system in the central nervous system (critical considerations and personal contribution in reference to anesthesiologic problems)]
Borgo_1965_Minerva.Otorinolaringol_15_177 [Respiratory nasal mucosa in senescence. 2. Histochemical data on some enzyme activities]
Brabec_1965_Acta.Haematol_34_88 [Metabolic changes in erythrocytes in autoimmune hemolytic disease]
Cortesina_1965_Ann.Laringol.Otol.Rinol.Faringol_64_285 [On the behavior of acetylcholinesterase activity in efferent cochlear fibers after destruction of the receptor and afferent fibers]
Cortesina_1965_Minerva.Otorinolaringol_15_182 [Technic of demonstration of acetylcholinesterase activity in the inner ear. Methods of decalcification and conservation of enzymatic activity]
Csillik_1965_Acta.Neurol.Psychiatr.Belg_65_251 [Histochemical aspects of the cerebellar cortex]
Csillik_1965_Acta.Biol.Acad.Sci.Hung_16_185 Cholinesterase, arylesterase and the structural basis of neurohumoral transmission in the central nervous system
Ehinger_1965_Life.Sci_4_2097 Noradrenaline and cholinesterases in concomitant nerve fibres in the rat iris
Fleisher_1965_Biochem.Pharmacol_14_641 Dealkylation as a mechanism for aging of cholinesterase after poisoning with pinacolyl methylphosphonfluoridate
Friess_1965_Arch.Biochem.Biophys_111_61 Blockade of excitable nodes of Ranvier by stereoisomeric phenylacetate esters in the tropine and psi-tropine series. 3
Geller_1965_J.Neurochem_12_949 Effects of environmental complexity on constituents of brain and liver
Glow_1965_Nature_206_475 Effects of reduced acetylcholinesterase levels on extinction of a conditioned response
Heilbronn_1965_Biochem.Pharmacol_14_1363 Action of fluoride on cholinesterase. II. In vitro reactivation of cholinesterases inhibited by organophosphorus compounds
Hiscox_1965_Am.J.Ophthalmol_60_425 Cardiac arrest occurring in a patient on echothiophate iodide therapy
Il'iuchenok_1965_Biull.Eksp.Biol.Med_60_57 [Acetylcholinesterase and the bioelectrical activity of the brain under the action of eserine and galanthamine in animals with premesencephalic section of the brain]
Jabonero_1965_Z.Mikrosk.Anat.Forsch_73_96 [Studies on synapses of the peripheral vegetative nervous system. V. Additional observations on the ending systems of postganglionic nerve fibers]
Jensen-Holm_1965_Acta.Pharmacol.Toxicol.(Copenh)_23_287 The specific and non-specific cholinesterase activity in brain and ileum of guinea pigs killed by intravenous paroxan at different infusion rates
Joo_1965_Acta.Histochem_22_40 A new modification of the Koelle-Friedenwald method for the histochemical demonstration of cholinesterase activity
Kaneko_1965_Tohoku.J.Exp.Med_86_178 Alteration of acetylicholinesterase in the cochlea
Kling_1965_Int.J.Neuropharmacol_4_353 Effects of early handling and light stimulation on the acetylcholinesterase activity of the developing rat brain
Koenig_1965_Arch.Anat.Microsc.Morphol.Exp_54_937 [Relations between the distribution of acetylcholinesterase activity and that of ergastoplasm in the neurons of the ciliary ganglion of the chicken]
Maggi_1965_Acta.Anaesthesiol_16_Suppl 4:43 [Histochemical changes in the sympathetic ganglionic system during neuroleptoanalgesia]
McAlpine_1965_East.Afr.Med.J_42_484 A histochemical study of cholinesterase activity in Kaposi's sarcoma
McCaman_1965_J.Neurochem_12_927 Species differences in subcellular distribution of choline acetylase in the CNS. A study of choline acetylase, acetylcholinesterase, 5-hydroxytryptophan decarboxylase, and monoamine oxidase in four species
Mel'nikova_1965_Farmakol.Toksikol_28_742 [The blood and liver cholinesterase activity in poisoning with porophor-505 and celogen]
Mengel_1965_Aerosp.Med_36_1036 Studies of the mechanism of in vivo RBC damage by oxygen
Mitchell_1965_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_104_348 Enzyme and hemoglobin retention in human erythrocyte stroma
Moriconi_1965_Boll.Soc.Ital.Biol.Sper_41_102 [Acetylcholinesterase in the gastric glandular cell of the chicken during its differentiation and functional development]
Naftalin_1965_Cold.Spring.Harb.Symp.Quant.Biol_30_169 Some new proposals regarding acoustic transmission and transduction
Naumenko_1965_Probl.Endokrinol.Gormonoter_11_99 [On the role of cholino-reactive structures in regulating the function of the hypophyseal-adrenal system]
Oeriu_1965_Gerontologia_11_222 Changes in thiol enzyme activity, as occurring in the aged body under the influence of folcysteine administration
Oooms_1965_Biochem.Pharmacol_14_1839 Sterospecificity of hydrolytic enzymes in their reaction with optically active organophosphorus compounds. I. The reaction of cholinesterases and paraoxonase with S-alkyl P-nitrophenyl methylphosphonothiolates
Palkama_1965_Ann.Med.Exp.Biol.Fenn_43_169 The presence of carotid body like structure between the right subclavian and common carotid arteries
Pavlin_1965_J.Neurochem_12_515 Cholinesterases in reticular nerve cells
Penchev_1965_Biull.Eksp.Biol.Med_60_24 [Characteristics of the activity of acetylcholinesterase in antagonist muscles during ontogenesis in dogs]
Pevzner_1965_Biokhimiia_30_980 [The separation, partial purification and some properties of acetylcholinestersase from red cells of cattle]
Phillis_1965_Experientia_21_266 Cholinesterase in the cat cerebellar cortex, deep nuclei and peduncles
Pilz_1965_Klin.Wochenschr_43_1227 [Studies on acetylcholinesterase in human whole blood and a routine method for its determination]
Pokrovskii_1965_Fed.Proc.Transl.Suppl_24_995 Enzyme activities of brain tissues in reflex epilepsy
Rizzoli_1965_Boll.Soc.Ital.Biol.Sper_41_1173 [On the micrometric determination of acetylcholinesterase activity]
Sanchez_1965_Biochem.J_97_892 Active transport and enzymes of the erythrocyte membrane under protein deprivation
Saragea_1965_Nature_206_306 Monoamine oxidase and acetylcholinesterase activity in animals with experimental allergic encephalomyelitis
Sbraccia_1965_Minerva.Pediatr_17_1527 [Erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase activity in newborn infants with hemolytic disease due to ABO incompatibility]
Schardein_1965_J.Parasitol_51_356 Histochemical studies of esterases in the cuticle and nerve cords of four cyclophyllidean cestodes
Scherrer_1965_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_105_137 [Acetylcholinesterase activity of human erythrocytes as a function of temperature]
Sveshnikov_1965_Lab.Delo_6_327 [Determination of cholinesterase and acetylcholinesterase activity]
Ulbrecht_1965_Nature_206_305 Acetylcholinesterase in the sarcoplasmic reticulum of skeletal muscle
Vinnikov_1965_Cold.Spring.Harb.Symp.Quant.Biol_30_293 Principles of structural, chemical, and functional organization of sensory receptors
Waser_1965_Experientia_21_402 [Designation of the number of active centers of acetylcholinesterase in motor endplates]
Wawrzyniak_1965_Z.Mikrosk.Anat.Forsch_73_261 The histochemical activity of some enzymes in the mesencephalon during the ontogenic development of the rabbit and the guinea pig. II. Histochemical development of acetylcholinesterase and monoamine oxidase in the non-tectal portion of the midbrain of the guinea pig
Wensing_1965_Nature_207_1375 Evidence for neurogenic conduction in the mammalian heart
Zolman_1965_J.Comp.Physiol.Psychol_60_382 Cerebral changes related to duration of environmental complexity and locomotor activity
Clarke_1965_Br.J.Anaesth_37_779 Studies of drugs given before anaesthesia. IX. Morphine with tacrine
Dietz_1965_Acta.Genet.Stat.Med_15_208 Four families segregating for the silent gene for serum cholinesterase
Hodgkin_1965_J.Clin.Invest_44_486 Complete Pseudocholinesterase Deficiency: Genetic and Immunologic Characterization
Augustinsson_1965_Acta.Endocrinol.(Copenh)_50_145 Effect of castration and of testosterone on arylesterase activity and protein content of blood plasma in male dogs
Augustinsson_1965_Acta.Physiol.Scand_64_418 Some factors regulating normal arylesterase activity of blood plasma in rats
Augustinsson_1965_Scand.J.Clin.Lab.Invest_17_573 Determination of cholinesterase in blood samples dried on filter-paper and its practical application
Bartels_1965_Biochem.Z_342_359 Molecular structure determining the action of local anesthetics on the acetylcholine receptor
Greenberg_1965_J.Biol.Chem_240_1639 Studies of Acid Phosphomonoesterases and Their Inhibition by Diisopropylphosphorofluoridate
Krnjevic_1965_J.Physiol_176_105 Cortical CO2 tension and neuronal excitability
Krnjevic_1965_Nature_205_603 Ergoyhioneine and central neurones
Krnjevic_1965_J.Anat_99_711 A histochernical study of cholinergic fibres in the cerebral cortex
Krnjevic_1965_J.Physiol_179_298 Excitation and depression of cortical neurones by brain fractions released from micropipettes
Krnjevic_1965_Nature_207_84 Excitatory and depressant properties of certain brain fractions
Beleslin_1965_J.Physiol_181_308 The effect of leptazol and strychnine on the acetylcholine release from the cat brain
Beleslin_1965_J.Physiol_177_420 The release of acetylcholine into the cerebral subarachnoid space of anaesthetized cats
Polak_1965_J.Physiol_181_317 Effect of hyoscine on the output of acetylcholine into perfused cerebral ventricles of cats
Szerb_1965_Electroencephalogr.Clin.Neurophysiol_18_140 Averaged evoked potentials and cholinergic synapses in the somatosensory cortex of the cat
Holmstedt_1965_Biochem.Pharmacol_14_189 Tremorine and oxotremorine effects on acetlcholinesterase and choline acetylase from rat brain
Pazzagli_1965_Int.J.Neuropharmacol_4_291 Amnesic properties of scopolamine and brain acetylcholine in the rat
Pepeu_1965_Arch.Ital.Sci.Farmacol_15_93 [Nicotine and cerebral acetylcholine]
Stavinoha_1965_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_150_231 Estimation of the acetylcholine content of rat brain by gas chromatography
Hoskin_1965_J.Gen.Physiol_49_47 Penetration of sugars, steroids, amino acids, and other organic compounds into the interior of the squid giant axon
Rosenberg_1965_Biochem.Pharmacol_14_1765 Penetration of acetylcholine into squid giant axons
Karlin_1965_J.Cell.Biol_25_159 The association of acetylcholinesterase and membrane in subcellular fractions of the electric tissue of Electrophorus
Berne_1965_Am.J.Physiol_208_763 Influence of the cardiac nerves on coronary resistance
McGeer_1965_Life.Sci_4_1859 Subcellular localization of tyrosine hydroxylase in beef caudate nucleus
Katz_1965_Proc.R.Soc.Lond.B.Biol.Sci_161_496 The effect of calcium on acetylcholine release from motor nerve terminals
Katz_1965_J.Physiol_181_656 The effect of temperature on the synaptic delay at the neuromuscular junction
Katz_1965_Proc.R.Soc.Lond.B.Biol.Sci_161_483 The measurement of synaptic delay, and the time course of acetylcholine release at the neuromuscular junction
Katz_1965_Proc.R.Soc.Lond.B.Biol.Sci_161_453 Propagation of electric activity in motor nerve terminals
Katz_1965_Nature_207_1097 Release of acetylcholine from a nerve terminal by electric pulses of variable strength and duration
Llinas_1965_J.Neurophysiol_28_413 Mechanisms of supraspinal actions upon spinal cord activities. Reticular inhibitory mechanisms upon flexor motoneurons
Terzuolo_1965_Arch.Ital.Biol_103_635 Mechanisms of supraspinal actions upon spinal cord activities: distribution of reticular and segmental inputs in cat's alpha-motoneurons
von Euler_1965_Experientia_21_342 Effect of cocaine and tyramine on noradrenaline release and uptake in isolated nerve vesicles
Cheymol_1965_C.R.Acad.Sci.Hebd.Seances.Acad.Sci.D_261_3237 [A new orthophosphoric acid trisubstituted derivative with strong anticholinesterase properties]
Roberts_1965_Acta.Anaesthesiol.Scand_9_165 Neuromuscular transmission in vivo and the actions of decamethonium: a micro-electrode study
Thesleff_1965_Annu.Rev.Pharmacol_10_263 Neuromuscular pharmacology
Grasso_1965_Arch.Fisiol_65_52 [Detection and determination of parathion in the range of nanogram fractions, in biological matter using gas chromatographic analysis with an electron capture detector. Control of Paraoxon with a biological test]
Hirschowitz_1965_Am.J.Physiol_209_452 Vagal gastric secretory stimulation by 2-deoxy-D-glucose
Sachs_1965_Proc.Soc.Exp.Biol.Med_120_702 Effect of diisopropyl fluorophosphate on gastric secretion and gastric ATPase
Bjorksten_1965_Protein.Alter.Erythroc.Low.Temp_59_1 Protein alterarion in erythrocytes at low temperatures
Arvy_1965_Arch.Biol.(Liege)_76_459 [Distribution of cholinesterases]
Barnicot_1965_Q.J.Microsc.Sci_106_197 Electron microscope observations on mitotic chromosomes
Huxley_1965_Sci.Am_213_18 The mechanism of muscular contraction
Huxley_1965_Nature_206_1358 Constancy of axial spacings in frog sartorius muscle during contraction
Kandel_1965_J.Physiol_181_1 Heterosynaptic facilitation in neurones of the abdominal ganglion of Aplysia depilans
Kandel_1965_J.Physiol_181_28 Mechanism of heterosynaptic facilitation in the giant cell of the abdominal ganglion of Aplysia depilans
Tauc_1965_J.Physiol_181_282 Presynaptic inhibition in the abdominal ganglion of Aplysia
Morris_1965_Nature_207_1295 Acetylcholine in the electric organ of Torpedo
Shellenberger_1965_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmacol_7_550 A subacute toxicity study of N-(2-mercaptoethyl) benzenesulfonamide S-(O,O-diisopropyl phosphorodithioate) and phthalimidomethyl-O,O-dimethyl phosphorodithioate with Japanese quail
Shellenberger_1965_Biochem.Pharmacol_14_943 Response of rabbit whole-blood cholinesterase in vivo after continuous intravenous infusion and percutaneous application of dimethyl organophosphate inhibitors
Luthi_1965_Arch.Int.Pharmacodyn.Ther_156_319 [Distribution and metabolism of C14-decamethonium in cats]
Waser_1965_Planta.Med_13_296 [The pharmacological investigation of drugs in cholinergic or cholinolytic alkaloids (muscarine and Calebasse-curare)]
Albuquerque_1965_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Ther_149_320 Stimulation of muscle spindle afferents by DMPP
Bebbington_1965_Adv.Drug.Res_2_143 Muscarinic receptors in the peripheral and central nervous systems
Engberg_1965_Experientia_21_612 Reticulospinal inhibition of transmission through interneurones of spinal reflex pathways
Ryall_1965_Biochem.Pharmacol_14_1894 The effect of frationation conditions on subcellular distribution in brain
Manian_1965_Life.Sci_4_2425 A comparative pharmacological study of a series of monohydroxylated and methoxylated chlorpromazine derivatives
Heilbronn_1965_Biochem.Pharmacol_14_73 Toxogenin in sarin, soman and tabun poisoning
Crocker_1965_Pediatrics_35_627 Wolman's disease: three new patients with a recently described lipidosis
Brzin_1965_J.Cell.Biol_26_353 Cholinesterase activity per unit surface area of conducting membranes
Svensmark_1965_Acta.Physiol.Scand.Suppl__SUPPL:245:1 Moleculr properties of cholinesterase
van der Meer_1965_Biochem.Pharmacol_14_1299 The effect of oximes on isolated organs intoxicated with organophosphorus anticholinesterases
Fukuto_1965_J.Med.Chem_8_759 Reactivity of some 2-p-nitrophenoxy-1,3,2-dioxaphospholane 2-oxides and -dioxaphosphorinane 2-oxides
Georghiou_1965_Bull.World.Health.Organ_33_479 Toxicity of certain new compounds to insecticide-resistant houseflies
Metcalf_1965_Proc.Pap.Annu.Conf.Calif.Mosq.Control.Assoc_33_66 Resistance implications
Metcalf_1965_J.Econ.Entomol_58_143 Selective insecticidal action of isopropyl parathion and analogues
Metcalf_1965_J.Econ.Entomol_58_1151 Silicon-containing carbamate insecticides
Borgstrom_1965_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_106_171 The dimensions of the bile salt micelle. Measurements by gel filtration
Reiner_1965_Nature_205_1110 Occurrence of cholinesterase isoenzymes in horse serum
Wilson_1965_Mol.Pharmacol_1_60 The free energy of hydrolysis of diethylphosphoryl acetylcholinesterase
Austin_1965_J.Neurochem_12_709 The distribution of cerebellar cholinesterases in several species
Kalow_1965_Fed.Proc_24_1259 Contribution of hereditary factors to the response to drugs
Kitz_1965_Biochem.Pharmacol_14_1471 Activity-structure relationships in the reactivation of diethylphosphoryl acetylcholinesterase by phenyl-1-methyl pyridinium ketoximes
Gromadzki_1965_Biochem.Pharmacol_14_1745 The effect of axotomy on the acetylcholinesterase of the superior cervical ganglion of the cat
Reiner_1965_Biochem.J_97_710 Oxime reactivation of erythrocyte cholinesterase inhibited by ethyl p-nitrophenyl ethylphosphonate
Csillik_1965_Acta.Histochem_22_350 Histochemistry of the andrenergic and the cholinergic autonomic innervation apparatus as represented by the rat iris
Thompson_1965_J.Clin.Pathol_18_811 Pseudocholinesterase activity in thyroid disease
Taylor_1965_Can.Med.Assoc.J_93_966 Poisoning with organophosphorus insecticides
Bouchaud_1965_C.R.Acad.Sci.III_261_5705 [Histochemical comparison of the inhibitory effects produced in vitro and in vivo by beta-phenylisopropylhydrazine (PIH) on monamine oxidases in rats]
Israel_1965_Experientia_21_325 The isolation of mossy fibre endings from the granular layer of the cerebellar cortex
Couteaux_1965_Actual.Pharmacol.(Paris)_18_33 [Histocytochemical findings on in vitro and in vivo inhibition of monoamine oxidases]
Whittaker_1965_Prog.Biophys.Mol.Biol_15_39 The application of subcellular fractionation techniques to the study of brain function
Albanus_1965_Biochem.Pharmacol_14_1375 Antidote effect of sodium fluoride in organophosphorus anticholinesterase poisoning
Amos_1965_Ann.Intern.Med_62_1013 Malathion poisoning treated with Protopam
Ashani_1965_Isr.J.Chem_3_133 Reactivators of the inhibited acetylcholinesterase. 1. The preparation and properties of 4-hydroximino-methyl-1-methyl-pyridinium iodide
Bartels_1965_Biochem.Biophys.Acta_109_194 Relationship between acetylcholine and local anesthetics
Bauman_1965_Anal.Chem_37_1378 Preparation of immobilized cholinesterase for use in analytical chemistry
Belleau_1965_Adv.Drug.Res_2_89 Conformational perturbation in relation to the regulation of enzyme and receptor behaviour.
Belleau_1965_J.Am.Chem.Soc_87_2283 A correlation between the biological activity of alkyltrimethylammonium ions and their mode of interaction with acetylcholinesterase
Bell_1965_Biochem.Pharmacol_14_79 Cholinesterases in the bladder of the toad (Bufo marinus)
Bender_1965_J.Am.Chem.Soc_87_1622 Titration of the active sites of acetylcholinesterase
Beynon_1965_Nature_208_748 Application of an agar-agar diffusion procedure to pesticide residue analysis and to the cholinesterase screening of candidate pesticides
Billiar_1965_Anal.Biochem_13_11 Use of cholinesterase for hydrolyses of steroid acetates
Christen_1965_Acta.Physiol.Pharmacol.Neerl_13_1 The influence of some oximes on the hydrolyses of sarin and soman in plasma
Christen_1965_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_110_217 The enzymatic isolation and fluoride catalysed racemisation of optically active sarin
Davidson_1965_Anal.Biochem_12_70 A colorimetric screening method for cholinesterases using agar gel
Dubois_1965_Arch.Environ.Hlth_10_837 Low-level organophosphate residues in the diet
Dubois_1965_Arch.Int.Pharmacodyn_156_418 Modification of the anticholinesterase action of O,O-diethyl O-(4-methylthio-m-tolyl) phosphorothioate (DMP) by drugs affecting hepatic microsomal enzymes
Durham_1965_Arch.Environ.Hlth_10_55 Studies in exposed workers and in poisoning cases
Erdmann_1965_Arzneimittelforschung_15_135 Vergleichende Untersuchungen uber das Penetrationsvermogen einiger Esterase-reaktivierender Oxime in das zentrale Nervensystem
Gabliks_1965_Proc.Soc.Exp.Biol.Med_120_163 Responses of cell cultures to insecticides. 1. Acute toxicity to human cells
Gitelson_1965_Brit.J.Industr.Med_22_236 Phosphamidon poisoning
Hart_1965_Proc.Soc.Exp.Biol.Med_119_1037 Influence of hemicholiniumno. 3 on mammalian tissue levels of acetylcholine
Hayes_1965_J.Am.Med.Assoc_192_49 Parathion poisoning and its treatment
Hegazy_1965_Brit.J.Industr.Med_22_230 poisoned patients
Heilbronn-Wikstrom_1965_Svensk.Kem.Tidskr_77_11 Phosphorylated cholinesterases, their formation, reactions and induced hydrolyses
Karczmar_1965_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Therap_147_350 Pharmacological actions of oxamides and hydroxyanilinium compounds at frog neuromyal junction
Mcdermot_1965_Can.J.Physiol.Pharmacol_43_845 Penetration of guinea pig and rabbit skin by dimethyl sulfoxide solutions of a quaternary oxime
Mcphillips_1965_Toxicol.Appl.Pharmac_7_64 Effect of chlorcyclizine on the toxicity and metabolism of octamethyl pyrophosphoramide
Meeter_1965_Acta.Physiol.Pharmacol.Neerl_13_207 The design and testing of an apparatus for artificial respiration of casualties during transport in a contaminated atmosphere
Nachmansohn_1965_Isr.J.Med.Sci_1_1201 Chemical control of the permeability cycle in excitable membranes during activity
O'Brien_1965_Ann.N.Y.Acad.Sci_123_156 The role of activating and degrading enzymes in determining species specificity of toxicants
Quinby_1965_J.Am.Med.Assoc_191_1 Tetraethyl pyrophosphate poisoning following airplane dusting
Shellenberger_1965_Life.Sci_4_1973 In vivo inhibition of rabbit whole blood cholinesterase following intravenous infusion of a diethyl organophosphate inhibitor and reactivation with 2-PAM
Weiss_1965_J.Water.Pollu.Control.Fed_37_647 Use of fish to detect organic insecticides in water
Zarro_1965_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Therap_147_153 The sympatomimetic effects of 2-pyridine aldoxime methochloride ( 2-PAM CI)
Erlanger_1965_Nature_205_868 Postulated chemical basis for observed differences in the enzymatic behavior of chymotrypsin and trypsine
Foldes_1965_J.Pharmacol.Exp.Therap_150_220 Omega-Amino fatty acid esters of choline: interaction with cholinesterases and neuromuscular activity in man
Funnell_1965_Nature_208_689 Proposed physiological function for plasma cholinesterase
Gerarde_1965_J.Occup.Med_7_303 An ultra-micro screening method for the determination of blood cholinesterase
Goedde_1965_Zeit.anal.Chem_212_238 Methoden zur Identifizierung, Anreicherung und Charakterisierung genetisch bedingter Acylcholin-Acyl-Hydrolase-Varianten (E.C.
Gramus_1965_Biochim.Biophys.Acta_110_540 Reversible aggregation of acetylcholinesterase
Greenberg_1965_Comp.Biochem.Physiol_14_513 A compendium of responses of bivalve hearts to acetylcholine
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