
Type : Terephthalate, Phthalate

Chemical_Nomenclature :


InChI : InChI=1S\/C30H30O8\/c31-27(23-11-3-1-4-12-23)35-19-7-9-21-37-29(33)25-15-17-26(18-16-25)30(34)38-22-10-8-20-36-28(32)24-13-5-2-6-14-24\/h1-6,11-18H,7-10,19-22H2


Other name(s) : bis(4-(benzoyloxy)butyl) terephthalate  ||  BaBTaBBa

MW : 518.56

Formula : C30H30O8

CAS_number :

PubChem :



Structures : No structure

Families : Polyesterase-lipase-cutinase, Cutinase

References (4)

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Title : Data on synthesis of oligomeric and polymeric poly(butylene adipate-co-butylene terephthalate) model substrates for the investigation of enzymatic hydrolysis - Perz_2016_Data.Brief_7_291
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PubMedSearch : Perz_2016_N.Biotechnol_33_295
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Gene_locus related to this paper: humin-cut , thefu-q6a0i4